Below the Belt Research Fund


Since 2015, Below the Belt has raised over $2 million for cancer research. 

All of the major milestones in controlling cancer worldwide have come through clinical trials, but we still have a long way to go to help every person affected, at risk or diagnosed with this disease.

Our Below the Belt Research Fund has helped our clinicians kick start new trial ideas. To date, seed funding has been awarded to 36 ANZUP members to help gather the evidence needed to develop full scale clinical research studies. 

The Below the Belt Research Fund was established to support our members in the development of investigator-initiated studies. Below the Belt Events and our supporters’ kind donations go directly towards clinical trial research via the Below the Belt Research Fund. 

The Below the Belt Research Fund provides much needed seed funding to support ANZUP members to progress new trial ideas to the point of becoming full scale studies.

Grants of up to $50,000 are awarded to successful applications.

Congratulations to the 2024 recipients of the Below the Belt Research Fund grants:

  • Arti Raghubar
  • Cynthia Hawks
  • Vinod Subhash
  • Weranja Ranasinghe

Read more about the work they will be undertaking, as well as past successful applicants here.


Submitting An Application - What You Need To Know

  • Pilot studies (including generating data to support a larger research project)
  • Translational research that may lead to an ANZUP project or form part of an existing project
  • Innovative sub-studies e.g. psycho-oncology or nursing projects
  • Seed funding to start a high priority ANZUP study that has a high likelihood of receiving ongoing funding from another source.
  • Be an ANZUP member with a minimum of 12 months membership and an active contributor to ANZUP activities
  • Acknowledge ANZUP’s contributions towards ongoing development and any associated outputs of the funded research
  • Acknowledge ANZUP and the Below the Belt Research Fund in any publications or presentations as a result of the Below the Belt Research Fund
  • Attend relevant subcommittee meetings to provide updates on the project and present a final report at an Annual Scientific Meeting
  • Provide a formal written report at the completion of the project to the ANZUP SAC
  • Provide a summary report for use in ANZUP publications
  • As this research fund is supported by philanthropic funds, the successful recipients must ensure that any on-costs are not taken out of this grant.

A grant review panel will be appointed by the ANZUP SAC to assess the applications and will include consumer representation. Within the framework of the above requirements, the following specific criteria will be used as part of the review and selection process;

  • Scientific excellence, i.e. quality of research methods (20%)
  • Significance and/or innovation (20%)
  • Feasibility, i.e. likelihood of successful completion (20%)
  • Alignment with goals and objectives of ANZUP (20%)
  • Potential to leverage additional funds (20%)

Application Form