Every meaningful advance in treatment has been the result of a clinical trial
The Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate (ANZUP) Cancer Trials Group mission is to improve treatments and outcomes for people affected by Below the Belt cancers.
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Poor outcomes from advanced prostate cancer can be reversed with targeted treatment
New research findings of the ENZAMET (ANZUP 1304) study, reveal that people who inherit a genetic biomarker known to predict poorer outcomes with routine prostate cancer treatment, can be successfully treated and have better survival outcomes with personalised hormonal therapy for advanced prostate cancer.
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LuPSMA shows promise as first-line treatment for prostate cancer
Lutetium-177 PSMA-617 – or LuPSMA – therapy had been shown in previous clinical trials to extend lives, and improve quality-of-life, in patients with advanced metastatic prostate cancers who have exhausted all other treatment options. The UpFrontPSMA (ANZUP 1904) study was the first to test this treatment in patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancers that had spread.
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ANZUP x Sydney Sock Project
That’s right, we have partnered up with the Sydney Sock Project to design and produce a variety of cheeky socks. Say hello to the ‘Penis Sock’ ‘Testicle Sock’ and ‘Below the Belt Sock’.
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What we do

ANZUP is the leading cancer cooperative clinical trials group that brings together all of the professional disciplines and groups involved in researching and treating below the belt (penile, bladder, kidney, prostate and testicular) cancers and conduct high quality clinical research.

ANZUP identifies gaps in evidence and areas of clinical need, collaborates with the leading clinicians and researchers in below the belt cancers, and communicate frequently and effectively with the broader community along the way.


If you are not yet an ANZUP member then join our large multidisciplinary network of urogenital and prostate cancer researchers, clinicians, nurses, psychologists, scientists, allied health and consumer representatives. Membership is free.
If you are a member of the community and would like to learn more about below the belt cancers, then join ‘Friends of ANZUP’.

Trials and Research

All of the major milestones in controlling cancer worldwide have come through clinical trials, but we still have a long way to go to help every person affected, at risk or diagnosed with this disease.

We have clinical trials across each cancer type, in various stages of progress: in activation, open to patient recruitment, in follow up and completed trials.

Telehealth and Teletrials

Teletrials builds on the telehealth model and increases access to clinical trials for people with cancer living in rural and remote locations.

Teleheath and Teletrials

Teletrials builds on the telehealth model and increases access to clinical trials for people with cancer living in rural and remote locations, or in self-isolation due to COVID-19. Teletrials also allows trials recruitment and activity to continue.

Excited to have @ANZUPtrials #ENZAp #ProstateCancer #pcsm #ClinicalTrial OS and HRQoL data presented at #GU25 this week by the incomparable @drlouiseemmett - don’t miss it!

Register now! - https://ow.ly/tNQs50UTLF7
Abstract information and submission link can be found here - https://anzup.org.au/abstracts/

📣Excited to announce from Perth, WA, initial participant dosed in the first in-human study #GDISCO; Gemcitabine-Docetaxel Intravesical Synchronous CO-administration for BCG unresponsive HR-NMIBC (ANZUP2403). @ASCO #GU25 @ANZUPtrials @uwanews #SMHS

Great to see @ANZUPtrials #ENZAMET study feature in two Plain Language Summaries this month: & https://bit.ly/40qTC9e @ChrisSweens1 @Prof_IanD @TrialsCentre @cancertrials_ie @CDNCancerTrials @AstellasUS @CancerAustralia

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