Goal 3

Goal 3

Goal 3
Goal 3: Strengthen ANZUP’s capacity for practice-changing clinical trials
ANZUP continues to review, modify and improve its systems, procedures and governance principles to maintain the delivery of our strategic plan. The organisational structure of ANZUP reflects its corporate governance and operational areas of responsibility. The Board, comprised of the Directors of the Company is responsible for corporate governance, financial management, reporting and compliance, and ongoing review of organisational policy. This ensures the establishment of a robust quality management system to support the execution of our strategic objectives.
ANZUP’s Idea Generation Workshops have been simplified with the use of templates. Our subcommittees and broader membership are consulted often to determine if new or revised tools might further facilitate collaboration to broaden our scope as well as our capabilities.
As the number of ANZUP studies continues to grow and our membership steadily expands, we recognise the importance of clearly defined decision-making processes and role allocations. Documented processes and policies support the quality and integrity of ANZUP operations, ensuring efficient execution of our strategic objectives.
The implementation of our fundraising plan is essential to sustainably support the delivery of our strategic plan. We aim to diversify our revenue streams through various fundraising activities, prioritising cost-effectiveness and sustainability.
The Below the Belt Research Fund plays a vital role in supporting ANZUP trials, utilising funds raised from events and campaigns such as Below the Belt Pedalthon, Rude Food Cookbook, Sydney Sock Project, and other initiatives. To date, the fund has raised over $2.05 million, significantly contributing to our research endeavours.

The Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) also supports the financial sustainability of ANZUP. We continually enhance the ASM by curating and presenting a high-quality scientific program. In 2023, our ASM was held in Melbourne, where we showcased ANZUP’s research activities, attracting 446 delegates, the highest number to date.