Germ Cell Cancer Subcommittee
Germ Cell Cancer Subcommittee
Germ Cell Cancer Subcommittee
Germ Cell Cancer Subcommittee
Ben Tran
Patti Bastick
Despite ongoing challenges throughout the year, the Germ Cell Subcommittee had a remarkably productive year. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Patti Bastick for her significant contributions over the years as the Deputy Chair. Below is a summary of our activities.
Trial Updates
Phase III RCT of Accelerated BEP (+Translational Sub-study)
279 out of 500 patients have been recruited as of 31 March 2024. The trial team have been awarded a $1.36M grant from the NHMRC for 2024-2029 to enable the completion of recruitment, follow-up and final data analyses; and facilitate biomarker collection for translational substudies. We are actively expanding to more international sites.
Members are reminded to consider the study for their patients, either at their site or at others where the trial was open.
Phase III RCT of Second Line TIP versus High Dose TI-CE (TIGER)
International recruitment has concluded. A poster presenting combined data analysis with the European group was presented at ESMO.
The study closed locally at the end of December 2023.
We have recruited 130 patients. Together with SWOG1823 and AGCT1531, we will be able to determine the true clinical utility of miR-371 in Stage 1 testicular cancer patients. Additionally, CLIMATE is the only study where both plasma and serum are collected, which will be critical in determining which assay performs best in this patient population.
Stage I and advanced testicular cancer surveillance protocols – evaluation
The manuscript has been published in JCO Oncology Practice on 13 June 2023 – ‘Patterns of Relapse in Australian Patients With Clinical Stage 1 Testicular Cancer: Utility of the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group Surveillance Recommendations’.
Minor updates to the protocol are being finalised. A health economic analysis will not be undertaken due to a lack of suitable data.
PREPARE: Pseudoephedrine in patients with retrograde ejaculation
The study has closed. Qualitative analysis was presented at the ANZUP ASM and the MAGIC Symposium; while the study results will be presented at EAU in Paris in April 2024. A paediatric oncologist has expressed interest in conducting a study in a paediatric cohort to investigate whether qualitative concerns were similar.
PRESTIGE: HRQOL in patients undergoing Primary RPLND, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for stage 2 testicular cancer.
We are currently recruiting at PMCC. Chris O’Brien Lifehouse has recently opened. This important study will provide the HRQOL data that will underpin any future randomised study.