Prostate — Recruiting
The purpose of this study is to see if a prostate cancer marker in the blood (mGSTP1) can be used to guide chemotherapy treatment. Based on the level of this blood marker, some people may be able to have breaks in treatment rather than having chemotherapy continuously which is the current standard of care. This study will tell us if having these treatment breaks guided by mGSTP1 can improve how people feel during treatment while still treating the prostate cancer effectively.
If you think this trial might be right for you, please ask your doctor.
If you think this trial might be right for you, please ask your doctor.
Trial Title
A phase II trial of biomarker-driven intermittent docetaxel in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC)
Cancer Type
Trial Status
Protocol Number
ANZUP 1903
Co-ordinating centre
Study Chair
Dr Kate Mahon
Study Objective
To evaluate the treatment outcomes of intermittent docetaxel guided by plasma mGSTP1
Patient Population
The target population is men with mCRPC receiving docetaxel chemotherapy, with a detectable mGSTP1 at baseline (80% of all men commencing docetaxel for mCRPC)
Recruitment Target
28 patients
GUIDE is an investigator-initiated study sponsored and led by ANZUP. The study is funded by ANZUP Discretionary Funding Initiative, ANZUP Below the Belt Research Fund and Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Philanthropic Fund.
Detailed Information
Further Information
Latest Publication
Participating Centres
Chris O'Brien Lifehouse - Sydney Local Health District
Border Medical Oncology Research Unit
Concord Repatriation General Hospital
Dubbo Hospital
St Vincent's Hospital - Sydney
Goulburn Valley Health
Peninsula Health Frankston Hospital
LaTrobe Regional Hospital