Goal 5




Goal 5





Goal 5

Goal 5: Provide leadership in collaborative cancer clinical trials

ANZUP’s membership is consistently growing and diversifying, prompting us to regularly assess how we can best support and provide opportunities for our multidisciplinary members. To address the specific needs of our members, we employ tailored communication strategies, including participation in subcommittees, updates on trial development and management, trial news, as well as educational and fundraising events. These initiatives are disseminated through various channels such as print, email, and social media platforms.

To provide leadership and support to our members, ANZUP arranges Idea Generation Workshops dedicated to each major cancer represented by ANZUP. Led by the chairs of respective subcommittees, these workshops provide educational and mentoring opportunities across each of the four tumour streams, as well as in quality of life, supportive care, imaging and theranostics, and translational research. Their primary aim is to nurture the development of emerging clinical trial concepts into fully fledged trials.

ANZUP maintains an active presence on various social media platforms, including X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Our X account @ANZUPTrials, in particular, enjoys a steady flow of activity and a highly engaged clinical following.


Additionally, our consumer magazine, ‘A little below the belt,’ is published annually as an external communication strategy, distributed both in print and digitally to cancer centres. This publication reaches ANZUP’s key stakeholders, members, donors, and supporters. The Below the Belt Pedalthon also increases community awareness of clinical trials, urogenital cancers, and the Below the Belt Research Fund.

Forward Momentum: A New Path in Fundraising and Philanthropy

The appointment of Associate Professor Samantha R. Oakes as our new Chief Executive Officer brings a wealth of experience and vision to steer our organisation towards greater heights. Alongside her, we welcomed Marcel Svatos as our new Business & Philanthropy Manager end of last year, whose expertise promises to bolster our philanthropic endeavours. In the upcoming fiscal year 2024/25, ANZUP is charting a new course with the development of a comprehensive Fundraising and Philanthropy plan in line with the development of our new corporate Strategy due at the end of 2024. This strategic blueprint is poised to redefine our approach to fundraising, leveraging innovative techniques and initiatives to drive sustainable growth. While diversification remains a key objective, our primary emphasis lies in nurturing and expanding our relationships. ANZUP recognises the indispensable role of strong partnerships in advancing our mission. As such, we are committed to cultivating and sustaining connections with philanthropists, corporate entities, and various giving vehicles.

ANZUP actively seeks opportunities for engagement and communication with corporate and philanthropic groups. We maintain ongoing relationships with philanthropic and charity groups, including the Paul Ramsay Foundation, Perpetual IMPACT Philanthropy, the Nordia Foundation, Roy Morgan Research Ltd, Ian Garrow, the Lin Huddleston Charitable Foundation, the Synchrony Foundation, the Macquarie Group Foundation, PCFA, PCFNZ, Movember, and the Melbourne Racing Club Foundation.

Regular communication about fundraising prospects, activities, and Below the Belt events is facilitated by utilising a corporate and community database. By building relationships with respected medical journalists and broadcasters, media coverage of ANZUP clinical trials has been elevated.