ANZUP is a cooperative clinical trials group established to bring together the professional disciplines and groups involved in researching and treating cancers of the genitourinary system together with people with personal experience of these cancers.
Consider becoming a member and supporting improved treatments and outcomes for patients with genitourinary cancer.
If you are a patient, family member, or would just like further below the belt clinical trials information, we encourage you to join our ‘Friends of ANZUP’ program. You will be able to access the latest news in prostate, penile, testicular, kidney and bladder cancer trials conducted by ANZUP, as well as the many ways you can get involved in raising awareness or funds to support vital clinical research.
ANZUP membership is open to anyone working in the field of cancer care or cancer research in a professional capacity.

If you are a patient, carer or community member, we invite you to join Friends of ANZUP.