Synchrony Fellowship
Synchrony Fellowship Award 2024
Dr Wee-Kheng Soo

Dr Soo’s application: ‘Developing a Quality of Life-derived Frailty Index and assessing the effects of Enzalutamide and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment on Frailty and Resilience in Prostate Cancer and Older Cancer Patients: insights from the ENZAMET and INTEGERATE randomised controlled trials’, was reviewed by a multidisciplinary grant review committee, including members of our CAP.
Of the 13 applications received the committee were unanimous with their scoring and also felt the project was a standout submission having significant impact for Prostate Cancer Research.
Congratulations Dr Soo on this wonderful achievement.
We also would like to thank the Synchrony Foundation for their generous ongoing support of the Synchrony Fellowship.
About the Synchrony Fellowship
The Synchrony Fellowship Award provides support for prostate and urogenital cancer research support driven by a defined clinical question. The Award is up to $500K over two years (supporting two projects) and provides salary support for the researchers as well as some direct research costs towards the projects.